Notes: September 9, 2008 – 2 Samuel 13 & 14

The facts of the story:

  1. David’s son Amnon raped his half-sister, Tamar.
  2. Two years later Tamar’s full brother, Absolom, avenged her by having Amnon killed.
  3. Absolom ran away for a period of three years; all the while David longed to see his estranged son.
  4. Joab designed a way to convince David to recall Absolom.
  5. When David refused to see Absolom for two years, Absolom lashed out against Joab and demanded an audience with his father the king.
  6. David and Absolom were reunited, for a time.

Meditation Points:

Is David innocent in any of this?

  • Having multiple wives and children of different mothers didn’t help.
  • Not doing anything when he first learned of Amnon’s sin didn’t help.
  • Delaying his reconciliation with Absolom didn’t help.

Is Absolom’s conduct justifiable?

  • Concern for his sister’s honor is commendable.
  • His desire for justice is commendable.
  • Taking matters into his own hands, going outside the law is wrong.
  • Premeditated is the word. For two years Amnon’s crime developed more and more hatred within Absolom.
  • Burning Joab’s fields was wrong.
