Notes: April 23, 2009

Jeremiah, the imprisoned prophet

Political prisoners, men removed from society because of their outspokenness against the government, are not new. Neither is religious persecution.

Jeremiah 37

  • Evil King Zedekiah again asks Jeremiah to intercede with God on behalf of the king (v. 1-5).
  • Again God says “No.” to the king’s request (v. 6-10; and He promises that the Babylonians will invade Jerusalem.
  • Jeremiah is arrested and thrown into a dungeon; but the King reduces the sentence (v. 11-21).

Jeremiah 38

  • Lesser government officials, objecting to the prophet’s preaching, condemn him to the dungeon (v. 1-6).
  • An Ethiopian intercedes successfully to the King for Jeremiah (v. 7-13).
  • The King, in a private meeting with the prophet, learns how to survive the coming invasion (v. 14-23).
  • On the king’s advice and warning, Jeremiah gives an evasive answer to the inquisitive princes (v. 24-28)
