Notes: November 24, 2009


Who hasn’t heard the tune “Zacchaeus was a wee, little man”? But the lesson of the story is that his small stature did not prevent him from exercising great faith—great faith which Jesus recognized.

Luke 19:1-10

  • The blind beggar mentioned at the end of the previous chapter was near Jericho (18:35). Zacchaeus was from there, too (v. 1).
  • Zacchaeus was a tax collector; in fact he was the chief tax collector. And he was rich (v. 2). In those days tax collectors controlled the movement of commercial goods through their area, and they often charged more than the law required and pocketed the excess. For the unscrupulous it was a money-making opportunity.
  • Zacchaeus climbed a tree to gain a better vantage point from which to see Jesus (v. 3-4).
  • His effort paid off, for not only did he see Jesus, Jesus saw him also. And Jesus announced that he was going to visit Zacchaeus at his house that very day (v. 5). Zacchaeus joyfully accepted the offer (v. 6).
  • On-lookers wondered that Jesus would dine with “a sinner” (v. 7). But as we well know, “the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost” (v. 10); and we are not surprised by Jesus’ rendezvous.
  • In his defense, Zacchaeus announces that he will give half of his money to the poor and that he will repay 4 times the amount he had defrauded any man (v. 8). This was in keeping with the Law (Ex 22:1; Nu 5:6).Apparently Zacchaeus was convicted by the murmurs.
  • Jesus accepts this offer of charity and restitution as evidence of repentance and declares that Jewish Zacchaeus was saved (v.9).

Meditation Point:

One visit with Jesus and the cheating tax collector is converted, changed forever. Have you ever visited with Jesus?
