Notes: June 20, 2008 – Judges 13 & 14

Who hasn’t heard of strong man Samson?

His birth and childhood (Chapter 13)

  • Of the tribe of Dan (verse 2). Remember chapters 17 & 18.
  • A miraculous birth foretold by an angel (verse 3).
  • Nazarite from the womb (verse 7)–so his pregnant mother must observe Nazarite laws, too.
  • Request for child-rearing advice (verses 8, 12).
  • Angel refuses worship, adoration, veneration (verse 16).
  • Like Isaiah (Isa. 6), Manoah fears that he will die because he has seen the Lord (verse 22).
  • His wife, rightfully, argues that the Lord had ample opportunity to kill them if that was His intent (verse 23).
  • Samson is blessed by God (verse 24).
  • The Spirit of the LORD leads Samson (verse 25).

His Philistine wife and the trouble that ensued (Chapter 14)

  • Samson, the Israelite, should not have wanted a Philistine bride; and his parents told him so (verses 2-3).
  • The Lord used Samson’s misplace affection as an occasion against the Philistines (verse 4).
  • The Spirit of the Lord enabled Samson to kill a young lion (verse 6; remember 1:25).
  • The wedding riddle (verse 14) becomes a wedge between Samson and his new bride (verse 16-17).
  • The Spirit of the Lord enabled Samson to pay off his bets (verse 19).
  • Samson’s father-in-law gives Samson’s new bride to one of Samson’s “former” friends (verse 20).

Meditation Points:

  1. When reading the Old Testament we must be careful to discern AN angel of the Lord from THE angel of the Lord.
  2. Expectant mothers must be careful what they eat, because their diet affects their unborn baby, too.
  3. Parents should always ask God how to train up their children.
  4. If Samson had not been visiting a Philistine city he never would have fallen for a Philistine woman.
  5. Watch how the Spirit of the Lord influences and empowers Samson.
