Notes: July 18, 2008 – 1 Samuel 23 & Psalm 54

David had gone to Keilah to deliver them from the Philistines. Now he fears, rightly, that the town would rather deliver him into the hands of King Saul rather than risk offending the king. His suspicions are accurate, as the Lord reveals (1 Samuel23:12).

Saul, like the enemy of our souls, was a relentless foe, seeking every day to destroy David (1 Samuel 23:14); but God prevented that from happening.

The men of Ziph offer to betray David into the hands of Saul, and their evil designs are the basis of Psalm 54.

In God’s timing, the Philistines invade Israel again; and Saul must give up his private vendetta for the time and attend to matters of state (1 Samuel 23:28).

Although strangers run to oppress him, David is confident that God is his help (Psalm 54:4); and he recalls that God had already delivered him out of many troubles (Psalm 54:7).