Notes: September 20 – Psalms 128 – 134

Meditation Points:

Psalm 128

  • Blessed is every one that fears the Lord, that walks in His ways (Psalm 128:1)
    • You shall have food
    • You shall be happy
    • You will have a wife and children
    • You will see the good of Jerusalem
    • You will see your grandchildren

Psalm 129

  • Why do some children assert their strength and abuse smaller ones? Why do some nations assert their strength and abuse smaller ones?

Psalm 130

  • If the Lord should indelibly mark iniquities, who among us would be able to stand?
  • The psalmist says, “My soul waits for the Lord more than they that watch for the morning” (Psalm130:6). Do you long for the presence of God in your life?

Psalm 131

  • David said that he behaved and quieted himself as a weaned child (Psalm 131:2). How many quiet children do you know?

Psalm 132

  • I will not sleep until I find a place for the Lord (Psalm 132:4-5). Have you found a place for the Lord in your life? If not, how can you sleep?

Psalm 133

  • This psalm could not have been written in a clean-shaven society.
  • Joab abused the custom when he took Amasa by the beard and killed him (2 Samuel 20).

Psalm 134

  • Even night watchmen should praise the Lord
