Notes: June 14, 2009

Esther married an unsaved man.

Esther 2

  • Although free to choose her own attire and adornment for her night with the king, Esther allowed the king’s chamberlain to decide for her (v. 15). Everyone else admired his selection.
  • The king desired Esther above all who came before her; and he made her the queen (v. 17). Hmmmm. Why would a virtuous Jew want to be in an adulterous relationship?
  • Still Esther has not told anyone about her being a Jew (v. 18-20) because Mordecai had so instructed her.
  • Mordecai uncovered a plot to assassinate the king (v. 21). He told Esther; and Esther told the king (v. 22).
  • The king determined that Mordecai’s report was true; and the two would-be assassins were hanged; Mordecai was memorialized in the government records of the event (v. 23).

Ezra 10

  • A list of the Jews who had married foreign (unsaved, pagan) wives (v. 17-44).
  • Among them were, to their shame, priests (v. 18), Levites (v. 23), singers and porters (v. 24).
  • Some even had children from these mixed marriages (v. 44).

Meditation Points:

  1. Does God really care whom you marry?
  2. Does God have the right to say that you should not marry an unsaved person?
  3. What influence God have over your marriage?
  4. What influence did your parents have over your marriage?
  5. Since we are commanded to love our neighbors and our enemies, but we are forbidden to marry the unsaved, it seems obvious that there must be  criteria besides love involved when choosing a husband or wife.
